Exploring Customer Support Challenges in the Automotive Industry Through Case Studies

Exploring Customer Support Challenges in the Automotive Industry Through Case Studies

The automotive business is adapting and maintaining service by embracing new customer experience trends and realizing the significance of a smooth client experience. 

The majority of dealers (around 92%) think that customer experience will be a key factor in future success, according to a recent report by Accenture. More than half of consumers (around 46%) were seen switching to a different original equipment manufacturer (OEM) if it provided a better service. This data shows that providing a great and individualized client experience is increasingly important for client loyalty and satisfaction.

Research shows that happy automobile buyers are more inclined to return to the same manufacturer and tell their friends. The car sector in South East Asia must prioritize global customer support for better quality control. 

Keeping this in mind, we will explore the impact of some top customer support challenges on businesses with real-world case studies. 

Let’s dive in! 

Top Customer Support Challenges in the Automotive Industry

1.The Shift From Physical to Digital

There are many obstacles to overcome on the path to digital transformation, but it is an important step that we must pay attention to. Companies must ensure their websites are easy to use, safe, and flow smoothly before signing SLAs. It takes forethought and adjustment to switch from analog to digital procedures.

Overcoming this Challenge

Collaborate with knowledgeable tech professionals with impressive KPIs to establish a strong foundation for your digital presence. Customers may get the desired experience using virtual showrooms, live conversations, and online configurators. With deft leadership during this digital revolution, brands may transform obstacles into growth opportunities in Asia.

2.Staying Current with Technology 

The emergence of electric vehicles, linked automobile technologies, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), and other developments is causing a technological revolution in the South East Asia automotive sector. Customer support teams face a formidable challenge in keeping up with these innovations and effectively resolving the various questions and issues that customers may have. 

Overcoming this Challenge

According to Salesforce’s State of the Connected Customer study, having a competent and efficient support team is crucial. Research shows that customer experience is just as important as product or service quality control for 88% of consumers. 

In a perfect world, they would get all their pressing queries answered and all their problems resolved immediately. For example, when asked about the most recent developments in ADAS features or electric vehicle charging infrastructure, a dealership should be ready to give detailed replies. It is one of the most important KPIs in the automotive business.

3.Uniformity Throughout All Platforms

In a world where customers engage with brands through multiple channels, including websites, social media, and in-person visits, maintaining service with consistency is vital. Customers could become clearer and happier if there are discrepancies in the quality of the service, the messaging, or the branding.

Overcome this Challenge

Create a cohesive CRM system that weaves all consumer interactions like a tapestry. This enables employees to provide consistent experiences, ensuring consumers are well-acknowledged no matter where they are. Companies that are skilled in this art form can transform chaos into a harmonious experience.

4.Lack of Global Data Security & Regulatory Compliance 

Digitization and innovation in the automotive sector have increased data volume and sensitivity, making data security and compliance a top priority. Particularly in the field of customer service, where sensitive information like financial details, car details, service histories, and personal contact details is processed often, this is of the utmost importance. 

Compliance becomes considerably more complicated for automotive companies operating across many areas, each with its own data protection rules. The data generated by increasingly linked automobiles is both very sensitive and valuable. 

According to McKinsey research, the potential global value of vehicle data might reach $450 – $750 billion by 2030. The onus is on car companies to ensure the security of this data, particularly during interactions with customer support and signing SLAs.

Overcome this Challenge

Customer service representatives need sophisticated tools and a 360-degree client view to succeed in the fast-changing automotive sector. The inefficiencies that arise as a result of separated teams and data silos can be eliminated by storing all client data on a consolidated platform.

5.Raised Expectations from Customers

In this day and age of immediate satisfaction, your clients expect promptness, individualization, and effectiveness from businesses. Customers will be satisfied and never leave if you meet their high expectations.

Over this Challenge

Use AI-powered chatbots to respond instantly and predictive analytics to foresee customer demands. A more satisfying experience is achieved with the help of tailored suggestions, prompt notifications, and kind assistance. Brands motivate consumers to stay engaged and loyal by showing them how to experience joy that goes beyond their expectations.

6.Achieving Effortless Major Milestones 

We often fail to discuss how to make the customer’s experience easy and pleasant. Ultimately, isn’t that what every customer desires? Avoiding errors and delays!

A large portion of client loyalty is reserved for companies that consistently impress with prompt, tailored recommendations and updates. For this reason, offering a personalized service is a must for retaining and gaining customers.

Overcome this Challenge

You can start by locating the persona and creating a customer journey map. Next, reassure your customers that their opinions are valuable and work to build a connection with them. Also, providing customer service that covers all angles and is easy to get in touch with is the key and a major KPI. 

Avoid annoying your clients by continually sending them the same message or data. Develop channels for self-service that can assist clients in resolving their difficulties independently. This could include frequently asked questions (FAQs), chatbots, blogs, video tutorials, etc. 

Case Study: Streamlining Customer Service in the Automotive Sector

Company Overview – Plaza Toyota (Indonesia)

Case Background

Plaza Toyota is a well-known name in the Indonesian car business, and they deal in high-quality vehicles with a network of seven dealerships in three key South East Asia cities. The company’s quick growth and current level of customer service are both results of its innovative product and outstanding dealership.

Company Challenges 

The accounting, sales, service, and parts departments at Plaza Toyota were all run independently. Due to this division, the company saw increased service requests and consumer inquiries with low quality control. Customers were dissatisfied because the company could not respond quickly enough to the increased volume.

The customer support team needed help handling these complicated inquiries and maintaining services, which caused resolution times to be longer than expected. 

Plaza Toyota encountered issues with slow response and lengthy login times due to the systems needing in-house hosting. There needed to be more flexibility in the systems’ capabilities for creating reports on company activities. Adjusting customer communication and service delivery to increase customer satisfaction was crucial.

Strategies Implemented

For several good reasons, Plaza Toyota went with Dealer Management Systems. First, the solution gave them a complete foundation for their car operations by offering an approach that covered all DMS procedures from beginning to end. Its customer-centric strategy and multi-channel customer engagement skills allowed for flexible interactions across many touchpoints, which was great for the company.

Plaza Toyota set up customer service departments that were experts in each region’s language and culture. Customer satisfaction was greatly enhanced by adapting communication styles and service delivery techniques to suit the tastes of each market. 

The experts at Plaza Toyota used AI-powered Chatbots on its website and mobile app to efficiently handle the increasing number of service requests. Chatbots like these allowed human agents to concentrate on more complicated problems while they addressed common inquiries with significant cost reduction.


By integrating AI chatbots, Plaza Toyota was able to decrease initial response times by 40%. This allowed them to resolve customer queries faster and improve their overall experience in Asia. There was a 25% uptick in customer satisfaction ratings due to the focus on technical training and localization.

Moreover, Plaza Toyota saw a 30% increase in loyal consumers and brand champions when they responded quickly to customer issues and provided individualized help.


Plaza Toyota Indonesia overcame customer service challenges in the automobile industry by proactively integrating technology, strategically training, and focusing on cultural adaptability. 

Plaza Toyota has become a recognized Toyota dealer in just one year. Toyota dealerships and corporate offices from all over the globe (especially South East Asia) now send representatives to Plaza Toyota to share best practices.

Pinpointing and meeting customers’ needs eventually took Plaza Toyota to new heights. The company saw massive growth in customer loyalty and overall reputation. As a result, in no time, Plaza Toyota became one of the most successful dealerships in South East Asia. 

Author: Greg.B

Executive with 25 years of proven success in call center management and revitalizing business units. Proven career record of producing multimillion-dollar profits through pinpointing operational inefficiencies and encouraging the revitalization of employee morale and corporate culture change.


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